the new year has begun.
christmas is but a speck in the eye, and the HSE the bloody big log.
They too are still rolling on, so they say.
into - the new year.
Paddy Connolly Inclusion Ireland and I have a chat, a serious chat. |
it is not so much about THEM, it is about US as equal citizens, but not so equal, Margaret and 'the banner' for equality, freedom and independence. |
the same questions answered in the same way really. He mentions that the budget for disability has been greater to the tune of 30million.
you are fooling me, my sister, the public and most of all - disabled people who continue to see a spiral downward of supports and care for themselves and their loved ones.

i can truely say my 'end of life' is no retirement. I am not sitting quietly reading the novel i never read when too busy at 21. I am not catching up on countries to travel to that i couldnt when bringing up children.
i am not writing the autobiography/memoir, yet.
i am fighting every day for the same things i was fighting for ten years ago.
alongside of which i am fighting consultants who ditch their patients at a drop of a hat against the ethical guidelines of the GMS, proven as i have rung them twice and given the same ethical evaluation of treatment - twice, by two different people.
you do not ditch your patients and leave them high and dry, months on end in high anxiety with no one to turn to with a progressive neurodegenerative disorder.
this you do NOT do.
you can request for the patient to be transferred and behave decently, civilly and professionally, not like a spoilt brat peeved beyond what his hair roots can cope with.

how much do they fully understand for instance that before them is a severely ill person, coming to them as single individuals, no support with profound/severe hearing loss and also on the autism spectrum and who is worried and anxious about her future.
does it matter that the doctor is failing to offer healthcare that they need and should have.
does it seem to even make a difference to understand those who are not receiving care will become even more anxious and those on the autism spectrum, with far too much on her plate will one day begin to become far too distress to handle the blank face of the professional across the table, deliberately refusing care, deliberately not answering questions and deliberatly deciding not to understand what the patient is requesting or saying.
the fob offs are terrible.
no one said an austism spectrum disordered person is an idiot or lacks intelligence in my case.
most are not idiots, when we see neglect we see neglect.
i SEE neglect every way i look so i do.

some of these men in the hospitals need the course now being offered to HsE staff because sure as eggs is eggs they need some courses in patient relationship skills.
what does it matter how bright and brilliant they are if they are abusing both their power, their position and their expertise, by denying the latter and abusing sick people. There is no higher power or excellence in this behaviour.
i hope all patients who are treated badly will begin to face these arrogant doctors we have in our system. without censure they live and carry out a reign of terror on public patients, especially women.
they target those who are unsupported by the male species by husband or child.

they make the patient out to be some kind of demon, villian, or worse.
the patient ceases to be the sick one, the patient is supposed to treat a doctor with kindly words and kid gloves because they are fragile flowers who need to be stroked.
they are no more fragile than weeds.
they do not need me to stroke their egos, they do that amongst themselves.
it leaves a patient in agonising anxiety when she knows she has been abandoned.
Not in Ireland for sure, in a UK centre of Excellence, trying to determine why i am so very ill....... |
i have no solace that i am an equal citizen to those who have the full whack of vhi healthcare.
i am in the gutter, as we emulate America, god help us.
God help those who suffer in ireland today, the sick, the elderly, the fragile of spirit and heart, the disabled and the mentally ill.
all receive their fair share of horrendous abuse.
this abuse stems from the professional forces within, those charged with the care of the people of ireland no matter if well and able but also the vast majority older and some now very frail and needing the kindness, i for one, never knew love or kindness, i thought it might begin some day - soon.
it never did - it doesnt look as if it will come by here some day soon.
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