i cannot believe my fight for a meaningful and peaceful end to my life is still ongoing.
that is, for the Irish HSE to help me in my chronic, significant disability of having a progressive, neurodegenerative, neuromuscular disease.
every way i try i get twarted, over and over i tell them, over and over they ignore what i have to say.
it all started after this...
here my twin is...standing in my 'sitting room' this was a unit for one individual who HAD NO disabilities, the argument was that it was meant for a person with a disability, already a wheelchair user, with a progressive disease and likely to get worse....this whole debacle started by the glorious OT manager in my area overseeing my healthcare needs, i was persuaded to ask for rehousing, she had contacted the council, she had spoken to the council, yet the council put me here....unfit not only for human habitation but in an area of men, prodominantly drinkers, and i was single, older and sick. i couldnt have coped.
there were eight floor boards from fire grate to sofa, the only item i could fit in this unit and i had to get rid of a brand new one and buy a second hand as my nice one wouldnt fit, i was downgraded from a two bed to a one bed. argued by three different medical consultants not to move me, argued by the OT about my housing needs.. |
my belongings stuffed everywhere, just everywhere. there was so little room |
look at the dirth at the base of this toilet, for a woman with immune difficulties, this was the better room all the rest had to be redone due to rot, mould, carpet pins left sticking up and dirt. it was so small i couldnt even open a manual wheelchair in order to sit in it, and i was rehoused due to my disability, words fail me even still. |
this individual is now legally of age where i can put this up, this was the incident that saw me leave, i was physically shot at after far more harrassment before this point, i knew she was there above me, i was below her on a swingseat and she had this gun i found five pellets by the swingseat and two more by the back door |
the chaos had me in a personal hell and in awful pain- a state i am still in |
with no help for me at all coming from social services with whom i had been with all my adult life, margaret and i sold what we had as capitol a small tiny town house, margaret moved in with me, slept here on this short sofa for over eight months with a diagnosis of parkinsons disease, yes of course we have family, they turned away, a blind eye and they could have helped and had the means to. now due to my circumstances my twin coming home sick and disabled herself ended on this, i have to say the shock for her was enormous, yes we have family, if they read this -WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU? WHERE WERE YOU EDUCATED? DID THEY GIVE YOU THIRD LEVEL SCHOOLING AND A POSH SECONDARY SCHOOL TO TEACH YOU TO TURN THE OTHER CHEEK AND LEAVE US ALONE IN ALL OF THIS? IF THEY DID, THEN DO YOU THINK I CAN OWN THAT SORT OF MIDDLE CLASS ETHOS, NOT ON YOUR NELLY I COULDN'T. |
this photo and an article ended in 'journal.ie' after which i was promised better shoes, its now 2016 and i am still without supportive shoes for deformity of feet and weaker ankles and muscle wasting, i have fallen and snapped both my shoulder muscles completely, torn an achilles tendon, torn a shin with a gaping wound taking months of dressings and time to heal, i have fallen and been in so much foot stress i am now to have my hands and feet re x-rayed for nucleur scanning found anomolies where the dye seeped into the bones of the foot, heels and also wrists, this is called fracture seepage, and the feet are agony, still no shoes. |
i move to a new area and still have trouble with the Irish HSE, the same OT manager who illegally interfered with my adaptation grant, also made me give this back before she allowed an engineer fix a 13yr old banger of a wheelchair. it had gone into a wall opposite st. vincents, losing a wheel, they refused to fix it until i returned this, there are no policy documents to say i couldn't have both, many do and i had just paid 450e for having this scooter repaired, no of course i never saw the money! but they took the item hardly worth that much anyway, they still insisted on it back. |
this is me on the swingseat the day after i was shot at. it reflects my present state, my physical shock and my mental despair. i am hounded by the hse, i am out of the county i loved so deeply, i am alone, left and abandoned knowing no one here at all, just despair and the HSE do not feel any sense of duty towards me at all, none. this is called our famous HSE, our healthcare services.
if you intend to come to ireland during our fabulous 100 years of celebrations for being a 'banana' republic, enjoy the schenary by all means, but do not stay, especially if you are sick or intend becoming disabled, incapacitated or in any way unwell. because this ISNT the 'world's goodest country' its a hell hole.
if you want to do anything, condemn our standards of healthcare, our human rights violatations, for which we are legend including being only one of two european countries who have not ratified the human rights convention for equality for those with a disability. the irish state is not a state. it is lawless, it is corrupt, it is perverse in every shape or form. it is beautiful. very beautiful, we laugh alot, but maybe thats all the beer but we also have a high emmigration rate, an even higher homeless problem and a worsening poverty problem, we have a state in chaos and a healthcare system which is terminally ill.
it is not a safe state by any stretch of the imagination. like another very catholic country it is ran on mafiosi principles. |
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