but sometimes it is recognition that wrong has been done that prominent public representatives and organisations have brought to book the terminology and labelling of twins aged 64 who asked for their medical and auxillary care to be met, meeting such annimosity that we doubt the relationship i s reparable, we ask for a Direct payment so that we can get on with our lives.
for those who missed this piece, i will copy and paste here the link.
i wish to say that finding analysis of a further document regarding HSE Corporate Plan 2015-2017 which i personally anaylised over a year ago i find the following extraordinary in light of the above.
it implies that the HSE do have a remit and plan to build a high quality health service for a healthier ireland and that they are living and upholding their own 'values of Care, Compassion, Trust and Learning every day.'
if this is the case, lets bring it on, for we have reached 2017 and Ann and Margaret Kennedy are asking and valuing that too, a quality of life and a healthier Ann and margaret, this is the sole purpose of the Corporate plan, to make ireland healthier.
alas, we also did a bit of a slump way down past macedonia and others for our healthcare service but in terms of our lives, is it necessary to butcher it as i see this no where implanted within the corporate plan itself.
here it is:
Building a high quality health service for a healthier Ireland
Health Service Executive
Corporate Plan 2015-2017
Snippets from the HSE corporate plan 2015-2017
I particularly want to recognise our staff for their resilience and perseverance. I am hopeful that we are starting on a more positive journey, one where economic recovery is showing improved signs of a more stable financial environment for health in 2015 and beyond.
In light of the HSE resiliance – the moving forward on a positive journey should be all inclusive of the client base, for your resiliance was our horrorsville, while we had to deal with the tenacity of all your departments, hospitals included to use as mantra one word only “No” and we were resiliant to get through that, so can we please have some signes of a more positive journey?
Our values bind us together We will try to live our Values of Care, Compassion, Trust and Learning every day and in all that we do. Our values influence our attitudes and behaviour towards those to whom we provide services and with whom we have professional contact. We must be more open to learning from our past mistakes and innovative in our drive for continuous improvement. We must prove our commitment to these values when things go wrong.
I would like to feel that this trust and learning, now that you have learned we have been treated so badly as noted. We want you to prove your commitment to these values when things go wrong
Our Vision sets out what we want to achieve and how we
will organise and deliver our services over the period of the
plan. This plan does not set out in detail all we intend to do
but gives a broad sense of where we are going and what
we want to achieve. Each year the detail of what we will do
will be set out in our annual National Service Plan.
Your vision to achieve to do what you said you would do, has not produced a solid plan of action since we started mediation.
You ‘claim’ you want to make our lives better and that we should be having a better life.
Mission „ People in Ireland are supported by health and social care services to achieve their full potential „ People in Ireland can access safe, compassionate and quality care when they need it „ People in Ireland can be confident that we will deliver the best health outcomes and value through optimising our resources
A really good Mission – can we begin?
· We will provide care that is of the highest quality
· We will deliver evidence based best practice
· We will listen to the views and opinions of our patients and service users and consider them in how we plan and deliver our services Compassion
· We will show respect, kindness, consideration and empathy in our communication and interaction with people
· We will be courteous and open in our communication with people and recognise their fundamental worth
· We will provide services with dignity and demonstrate professionalism at all times Trust „ We will provide services in which people have trust and confidence „ We will be open and transparent in how we provide services
· We will show honesty, integrity, consistency and accountability in decisions and actions
· We will foster learning, innovation and creativity
· We will support and encourage our workforce to achieve their full potential
· We will acknowledge when something is wrong, apologise for it, take corrective action and learn from it We will try to live our values every day and will continue to develop them over the course of this plan
can we begin?
Your very first Goal
Goal 1
Promote health and wellbeing as part of everything we do so that people will be healthier We want people to live fulfilled lives and to be as healthy as they can. We want the health service to have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of everyone living in Ireland. We will support people to be as healthy as they can by promoting healthy lifestyle choices.
I would go along with all this – can we begin?
What you will do –
· Deliver person centred community based services which support independence and choice for older people and people with disabilities
can we begin?
· Increased levels of supported living in local communities
Is it possible to begin?
· Improved compliance with Safeguarding Vulnerable Persons at Risk of Abuse Policy
can we begin?
Goal 2
Provide fair, equitable and timely access to quality, safe health services that people need. We must make it easy for people to access the services they need. These services must compare with the best other countries have to offer and be safe and available to people in the right place and when they need them.
As we do not have these at present the Rare diseases Plan, the E112 agreement are ALL there for those who cannot get ‘the best other countries have to offer and be safe and available to people in the right place and when they need them.’
WE had needed all this a long time ago.
We will deliver care around the individual patient and service user and put the patient at the heart of what we do. We will do this by developing a modern model of integrated care across our hospital and community services so that people are treated appropriately and conveniently to where they live.
WE would like you to begin, we are not being treated appropriately in either hopsital or where we live – this you admit, and we would like you to deliver this care around us, indivdual patients and service users.
We will support older people by providing a range of
services including home care, day care, respite care,
short stay care and rehabilitation which will avoid the
need for admission to hospital.
Let me remind you – we have reached this stage
What we will do
· Implement a number of key Integrated Care Programmes including older persons, chronic disease prevention and management, child and maternal health, and improve patient flow
· Develop programmes to improve the quality and safety of mental health services for adults, children and adolescents
· Provide a range of home and community supports to enable older people to live independently for as long as possible
· Develop services for people with a disability so that they are supported to participate in society and reach their full potential
· Provide palliative care services and compassionate end of life care
can we begin?
How we meausre success
Patients and service users are involved in developing their own care plan
Clear and comparable information and advice available to support individuals and their families in choices around service provision
100% of patients receive their day case or inpatient procedure within 5 months of referral
How Ann Kennedy and Margaret Kennedy measure success - the same as how you measure success!